The lake, Mexico (again), and Gym life

Hey 🙂

Week 1 of the school holidays is officially over and its gone much faster than I would like! But I have been up to a few things so just a quick update to share.

The weather was so sunny and warm on Friday so I went on down to Hamilton Lake (Lake Rotoroa) to soak up some rays and get out of the house. WHAT A STUNNING DAY. The lake was so calm and there were still some baby birds out which totally made my day. Might have stolen Paul’s sunglasses because mine broke 😦 (don’t worry I bought some new ones). It was a very relaxing 3.8km of light cardio and definitely good for the soul.



These arrived in the mail!


Eeek! So excited to be graduating on Wednesday next week – there will definitely be a post about that! My parents are coming up from Kapiti and Paul’s mum is coming over from Ohope so I’m sure there will be tonnes of pictures etc. to share!

Saturday evening saw us going out to dinner as a flat to celebrate Con’s birthday! And of course we went to MEXICO! Their fried chicken is the absolute BEST and I have to order it every time I go there. I also got a chicken soft shelled taco and a pork belly one which were equally as amazing on my tastebuds, but the highlight for me that night was the Crema Catalana – a creme brulee style dessert that I could have eaten 3 of – YUM!!


Then Saturday evening I had some wines with some friends from uni – it was so good to catch up with them all now that we have started our teaching careers!


Biggest accomplishment on Sunday was purchasing some new gym shoes! I had my old ones for over a year and they were pretty good to me getting me through plenty of bush walks, adventures, and a half marathon! But my new ones are so comfortable and I’m sure we will have excellent adventures together too. They are Nike Flex Experience RN 6‘s and because its ANZAC weekend I got them on special from Rebel Sport – win for me!

Because Sunday was actually Connor’s birthday, Paul decided that he really wanted to try and make a cheesecake for Connor. We found a recipe for a Snicker’s Cheesecake and it started out so well. We followed all the instructions and when we took it out of the oven after 45 minutes it had an awesome wobble on it. Problem is, it wasn’t at all cooked under the thin top layer. So I swear we cooked it for like another 45 minutes and it STILL wasn’t right 0_o. Then to top it all off Paul may have accidentally tipped it when he was pulling it out of the oven and the cheesecake went for a bit of a tumble. Alas, IT STILL TASTED AMAZING but we are going to try a non-bake cheesecake next time and see how we go with that!


Well here starts the beginning of Week 2 of the school holidays. I spent half of the day playing around on this new singing/karaoke app because I clearly had too much time on my hands. But have a listen if you want 🙂 It’s nowhere near perfect but it was fun!

Listen 🙂 🙂 🙂 (there’s no video from my end just so you know)

Then this evening I went to Zumba! Check out these #legsfordaysssss



So lately I have been getting quite into things at the gym. I started following (yet another) workout program but this time I have stuck with it and I am really starting to see progress. I think it helps that Paul does it with me! I’m documenting my fitness journey on a new Instagram account Miae Fitness so if you use Instagram feel free to head over there and check it out – maybe chuck me a follow and a few likes 😉


Right that’s enough from me.
xx M

Nic’s Notes:

  • I did stuff over the weekend
  • gym=life

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